Maintaining The Filters In Your Car For Better Performance And Reliability

Many things can affect how your car runs, and proper automobile filters used in several systems need regular maintenance to ensure the vehicle runs properly. Each filter has a specific job, and while some are common across most cars, some filters are specific for vehicles with diesel engines or other systems. Buying Filters  Some of the filters used on your car or truck are easily changed at home by yourself. However, getting the correct automobile filters for each vehicle is critical to ensure they work as it is designed and fits properly. Read More 

5 Telltale Signs That Your Auto Needs Transmission Car Repair Services

As with any other vehicle component, early detection of transmission problems prevents further damage. Also, you can save a lot in terms of hefty car repair costs if you seek early transmission repairs. So, you are better off if you recognize the telltale signs that your transmission is in trouble and in need of a visit to the car repair shop. 1. Slipping Gears  Slipping gears is a dangerous ordeal that may cause accidents. Read More 

Advice For Motorists Purchasing Replacement Oil Pumps For Their Transmission

If your vehicle relies on an automatic transmission, this component is made up of a lot of smaller systems. One of the most important is the oil pump because it keeps other parts in this system lubricated properly. If you have to replace this transmission component, here are some tips to consider.  Review the Flow of Oil Before Purchasing Since the main job of an oil pump is to direct oil to various areas of the transmission, you want to review the nature of this oil movement before purchasing. Read More